14-in-1 Professional WiFi Weather Station Internet Wireless Weather Station with Outdoor Sensor Weather Forecast Temperature Air Pressure Humidity Wind Gauge Rain Gauge Moon Phrase Alarm Clock

14-in-1 Professional WiFi Weather Station Internet Wireless Weather Station with Outdoor Sensor Weather Forecast Temperature Air Pressure Humidity Wind Gauge Rain Gauge Moon Phrase Alarm Clock
14in1 Professional WiFi Weather Station Internet Wireless Weather Station with Outdoor Sensor Weather Forecast Temperature Air Pressure Humidity Wind Gauge Rain Gauge Moon Phrase Alarm Clock
14IN1 Professional Station
The outdoor sensor consists of rain funnel, solar panel, UV and light sensor, wind vane and wind cups, level indicator, thermohygrometer radiation shield. 14in1 wireless weather station Measure the realtime weather of your home and backyard, measurable Indoor temperature and humidity | outdoor temperature and humidity | Barometric pressure | Dew point | UV index| Sun light | Wind speed | Wind direction | Weather forecas | Moon phase | Rainfall data.
WiFi Remote Monitoring & Warnings
The display base station can be conveniently placed on a table in any room, at home, in a child’s room, basement, warehouse or greenhouse, etc. It’s compact and light. The weather station measures indoor temperature (掳 C / 掳 F) and humidity, outdoor temperature (掳 C / 掳 F) and humidity, wind direction and speed Phases of the moon. An alarm function with snooze function is also part of the range of functions.
Weather Forecast
Stay connected, check your weather forecast and current conditions .The displaymonitor can be conveniently placed on a table in any room, in a children’s room, basement, warehouse or greenhouse, etc锛?includeing data for wind, rain, indoor/outdoor temperature, humidity and more.
Clear colur Display
Easily monitor the weather conditions in your home and garden.The data is easy to see from many different angles. Even if you look a little at the side, all the displays are still readable and allow you to look at all important functions and information. The information areas are separated and organised.
Specifications:Outdoor Temperaturerange
lndoor Temperaturerange
Temperature Accuracy
Humldity Range
Humidity Accuracy
Rain Volume Display
:09999mm; Resolution:0.3mm Rain Volume<1000mm; 1mm Rain Volume>1000mm
Rain Accuracy
Wind Speed Accuracy
:2m/s锝?0m/s (卤3m/s)
Wind Direction Accuracy
:8 Points
Wind Speed
:3000~1100 hpa; 卤3hpa
:0200锛?00Lux; Accuracy:卤15%
UV:From UVB to UVA, 1 to 15+ Index
Scale Accuracy:卤1levels
Transmission Interval
Transmission Range
:100m in the Open Area
Transmission Frequency
Maximum Transmission Power
Type of Modulation
WIFI Standard
WIFI Frequency
Line of Sight WIFI Transmission
Power Consumption
:Receiver:3 x Alkaline Batteries(Not Included)
Transmitter:3脳 Alkaline Bafteries(Not Included)
Power Adaptor:5V锛?00mA
Battery Life
:Minimum 12 months for the transmitter
Frame Dimension(LxWxH):215x22x158mm
LCD Dimension(LxW)
English Manual:Click here
Package Included:
1 x Display Console
1 x Integrated Outdoor Transmitter
1 x Foor Mounting(With Pole Insert)
1 x Mounting Bracket
1 x Mounting Pole
2 x Pole Mounting Nuts(M3)/Bolts (3)
4 x Pole Mounting Nut(M5)/Bolts (5)
1 x Power Adapter
1 x Manual
4 x Tapping Screws